Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Who are you people?

I took the family to see Disney on Ice last weekend. I was standing in line to get the kids something to drink when I see someone ordering a beer. What?! Why are they selling beer at Disney on Ice and who needs to drink at a kid's show.

Who are you people?

You know how they have advertisements about beer that's less filling. Since I never have had a beer I'm not sure exactly what that means.

I have an idea for a new beer LESS SMELLY.

If your going to sit by me at a ball game or I guess possibly Sesame Street Live and you are going to drink please

Try the new

same beer
less smelly.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Tuesday September the 19th is Talk like a Pirates Day. I don't know about ye scallywaggers out there but me family we be talking like pirates. Internation talk like a pirate day link.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I need your help

Imagine a kid saying to another hey I'll trade you my Samson for your rookie Nebuchadnezzar. That's right biblical trading cards - I need help because my character drawing skills lack greatness but the good side is that no one will know if Samuel had a mole on left cheek. I also will take any good ideas. If your ideas are bad please keep them to yourself (just kidding).

I don't want to sell them but I think it would be a good way for kids to learn the bible. I might just have them for my kids or for the kids at Church.

Here are some ideas

Noah - picture on one side

bio on the other

Noah -
likes - building thing and animals

strengths - listen to God instead of people who said he was crazy

Eve -
likes - picking fruit with husband and designing clothes out of leaves

strengths - mother of all the earth

These are silly examples but you get the idea.