Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Countdown to Christmas!

Let the reindeer games begin!

I hope everybody is enjoying the Holiday Season (which includes Christmas)

Abi, my 4 year old came to me and wanted me to help her write a letter to Santa Claus and here it is:

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Are you feeling well? Is you reindeers ok? Will you bring me presents? I wish you a Merry Christmas. I want a bicycle and an American flag. I bet you have a great ride. Are you doing well Santa? Are you not sick? Make sure everybody in town gets lots of presents and I hope everybody in the world gets lots of toys. I wish that you and me could have breakfast and lunch together and Christmas cookies and have fun together playing in my room and meet and play with my brother in his room.

(She told me to write the letters NOST and I asked her what it meant) nost – playing and resting

Please won’t you meet my mom and dad?

Please don’t even think about Monsters Inc.

Will you watch TV with me and my brother and sing along songs and don’ forget to watch princess movies. Play with my Grammy and Gramps and Gramps will tell funny jokes and I’ll get him to say funny ha ha to you Santa. Welcome Santa to our house. Love, Abi

P.S. You don’t want to be like Monsters Inc.

I was proud that she included her brother in the letter and I think she has watch Christmas shows too much. Who says town anymore?

Abi preformed in her first ballet Christmas show and she did great!

I did a dance on mommy’s plant somebody snitched on me.

I heard on the radio that Christmas is considered one of the most depressing times of the year.

I can understand why it can be depressing.

Missing love ones who are away or have passed on

I miss family at Christmas time but I have memories of the good times that we had together.

This brings up the age-old question

Is it better to love and lost than not to love at all?

If you don’t put yourself out there to love someone than you’ll probably be alone.

Missing love ones

Love one another

Remember those who are gone and cherish those memories

It’s ok, that’s how we heal


That's the song that Clark Griswold sings in Christmas Vacation when turning on his Christmas lights.

I felt kind of like Clark when putting up my lights. I finally got them to work just the other day. I put them up on Thanksgiving Day. It's a long story but here they are

my lights

my lights on drugs

I hope everyone has a safe Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Merry Christmas!