Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Did you see any pink balloons in the air?

Emma Bonny Stephens was taken from this world three weeks before her delivery date.

I went to a graveside services for little Bon-Bon on February 14th 2006.

I can't imagine what pain this family is going through. I pray to God that he will ease their pain.

Just as Corey and Bonny had prepared a room for their little girl, God has prepared a room for her up in heaven.

It will be a rough time for the family through the years they will see little girls and think that maybe Emma might look like her. As years past they will think about how Emma would be starting school this year and Emma would driving this year.

The things I don't understand:

Why there are people like the Stephens who want to have a baby and this happens to them and you have people who have abortions.

The things that I'm not supposed to understand:

There are things in this world that I'm not supposed to understand but I know that it's God's will that it happens even if it's not what he wants to happen.(ex. Job)

At the services:

They handed out pink balloons to everyone and when they played the song Somewhere over the rainbow everyone released their balloons. Some people let go of their balloons earlier in the services not on purpose but I was thinking I don't understand why these people can't hang on to a simple balloon and that this is not what they had planned. They went through all of this effort to have these balloon leave at the same time and this was messing all of this up. Then it hit me when all of the balloons were being released that this is just like life. Some balloons went on earlier than the others like Emma even though this is not how they planned it even though I didn't understand either situation.

The balloons followed the ones that were released early.

2 SAMUEL 12:22-23

He answered, "While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, 'Who knows? The LORD may be gracious to me and let the child live.' 23 But now that he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me."


While I was standing there listening to a song being played I closed my eyes and felt the warm sun shining on me and thought how blessed I was to be living my life. I thought about what I have done with my blessing. I feel that I have not lived it the way someone should to be blessed with life.

When I see a pink balloon, I'm going to think about Little Bon Bon and reevaluate my life to see if I'm living it to the fullest.

On my way back to work, I stopped by and saw my kids and gave them a big hug and kiss. When I was walking out of my parent's house, I see a pink valentine heart balloon floating over the roof right to me. I grabbed the balloon and took it to my little girl.

Thank you God for my little girl! I'm truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

That's a tought one Rodney. I, too, feel so blessed to have healthy children (for now). It's a reminder to cherish and enjoy each day with them.

Sometimes belief in a good God is more a matter of faith than evidence. I just have to trust that he is who he says he is and that all works out at the end.